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Fortunately Inviting Business Birdcage

Sangkar Burung

The rise of a pet bird enthusiasts will be directly proportional to the surge in demand for the manufacture of cage or cage . This opportunity was able to put to good use by Rohman ( 39 ) , a resident of the District Rural Sindangjawa Dukuhpuntang Cirebon that produce bird cage with millions of dollars in profits each month .

( Read: sangkar burung jepara  )

When met at his house , Rohman admitted , he underwent a business now stems from the hobby of bird maintains that later forced him to make a cage . But unexpectedly , bird cage garapannya invite the attention of many people .

" From intentions for the cage for his own purposes , uh my friends much like the results I've created , would I make , " he told reporters Cirebon Post , Friday ( 31/1 ) .

Starting from the events in 2000 , now Rohman received many orders for the cage of the bird enthusiasts in Cirebon , Majalengka , Indramayu , Bandung even .

" Sometimes the buyer came here carrying their own cage design drawings , so I only work on the appropriate picture , "

Asked about the price , Rohman admitted membandrol of homemade birdhouse from Rp . 350.000 , - for minimalist design and without carving , and Rp . 2.200.000 , - for a full engraving design and unique decoration .

" Average profit per month I can 4 million dollars , " he explained .

With the assistance of two people working , Rohman produce bird cage with bars using teak , while he was using bamboo for the frame selection.( Read: jual sangkar burung  )

" Subscribers come here , let me not be the same as the reason that cage for sale in the market , " said Rohman

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